Visual Signs Your Aging Roof Is Ready To Be Replaced

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Like Playing Blocks — for Grownups Did you enjoy playing blocks as a child? Maybe you liked stacking them up and then letting them tumble down. Or maybe you enjoyed creating the most elaborate structures you could dream of. People with this affinity for playing blocks often find that they like working as contractors and construction workers. After all, these jobs are sort of like playing blocks for grownups! You get to build things, albeit these things are much more complex than block towers. Sometimes, you also get to knock things down. If you like this analogy as much as we do, then we invite you to read more about construction and contractors on this website.



If your roof is approaching the end of its lifespan, you may be wondering how you'll know the end has actually come. Does it need to be replaced right now, or can it survive another couple of years? There are a lot of ways you can tell, but the easiest approach is a simple, visual assessment. Look at the roof from the outside, and look closely at the inside of your home, too. Here are the key things you're looking for during this assessment.

Missing Shingles

Back up as far as you can from your home, and look at the roof. Backing up allows you to see more of the roof at one time. If you see any missing shingles, this is a sign your aging roof is ready to be replaced. A roofer can replace a few missing shingles without having to replace the entire thing, but if your roof is aged already, it's not usually worth doing minor repairs. Missing shingles will soon lead to leaks, if they have not already, so don't delay having this addressed.


Do you see moss growing over a portion of the roof? If you catch moss growth early, you can sometimes remove it before it does too much damage. However, moss causes shingles to deteriorate really quickly. Its growth usually means that the roof has already been deteriorating for a while, too. Do not try to remove the moss; doing so will only further damage the shingles.

Water Damage

Sometimes homeowners overlook water damage due to a damaged roof because the damage doesn't look how they expect it to look. You may not actually see the water itself. You may just see dark spots or streaks on the walls where they meet the ceiling on the uppermost floor of your home. Or, you may just notice some mold growth in the attic. These symptoms usually mean you have a small leak; it will only grow larger if you don't have the roof replaced soon. 


When you look up at the roof from the outside of your home, does it appear to be sagging or bowing in the middle? This not only means that the shingles need to be replaced, but also that water has damaged the wood underlying the shingles. Sagging roofs are at an increased risk of collapsing, so you certainly want a new roof soon. A place like Chapman Construction would be able to help you out.

Some roofs last longer than others. Your roof may be decades old but still fine, or it may be in need of replacement. For the most part, you can rely on visible assessment to tell the difference.

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