5 Advantages Of Concrete Barriers In Securing Construction Site

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Like Playing Blocks — for Grownups Did you enjoy playing blocks as a child? Maybe you liked stacking them up and then letting them tumble down. Or maybe you enjoyed creating the most elaborate structures you could dream of. People with this affinity for playing blocks often find that they like working as contractors and construction workers. After all, these jobs are sort of like playing blocks for grownups! You get to build things, albeit these things are much more complex than block towers. Sometimes, you also get to knock things down. If you like this analogy as much as we do, then we invite you to read more about construction and contractors on this website.



Different things can go wrong on a busy construction site. Vehicle-on-vehicle collisions and vehicle-and-people accidents can happen with poorly controlled traffic. Vehicular and human traffic control is an important element of construction security. However, most site managers find it hard to mark lanes and block off certain areas because constructing a strong, feasible barrier is not feasible. Construction concrete barriers offer very good solutions to these problems. These concrete masses are maneuverable but present a formidable barrier for vehicles and people. What advantages do they offer for security solutions on your construction site?

1. Movable 

Construction concrete barriers are very heavy but maneuverable. You can move them with a crane to wherever you want to deploy them. This offers a reusable solution. Also, you can move them as the site develops if you are doing phased construction. 

This movability offers several advantages in cost-efficiency. You also have fewer materials to dispose of when ‌the construction is complete. Also, you can move them to a different site when you complete one project. 

2. Versatility 

You can deploy concrete barriers for different uses on a construction site, including:

  • Traffic management -- You can use concrete barriers to mark and separate traffic lanes to reduce the risks of collision accidents 

  • Preventing unauthorized access – Concrete barriers can block off areas that present risks for both people and vehicles, for example, deep trenches

  • Partitioning the construction site – You can use concrete barriers to mark different areas in a construction site, for example, storage areas, operations office, maintenance, etc. 

3. Easy Installation 

Installing concrete barriers on your construction site is very easy. They are typically precast and need no further curing or treatment. You only need heavy lifting equipment to deploy them wherever you need to place them. They do not need any adhesive or binder such as cement. 

4. Safety  

Concrete barriers offer better security than other materials. They are heavy, and a collision is unlikely to cause any injury. They are angled at the bottom such that a vehicle's collision force is directed upward, preventing serious injury to the driver. They also have reflective markings, making them visible at night and in the dark. 

5. Durability  

Concrete barriers are very durable. They degrade easily, even when subjected to harsh weather conditions. This durability makes them ideal for construction work since much of it is outdoors. Concrete barriers can last for decades in continuous use. They can also withstand light knocks without facing severe structural damage. 

Would you like to see improved construction site security? Talk to a concrete contractor about deploying ‌concrete barriers for different security needs. Reach out to concrete barrier suppliers, such as Milwaukee Scaffolding Inc., near you to learn more.

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