A Quick Look At Loose-Fill Insulation Installation

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Like Playing Blocks — for Grownups Did you enjoy playing blocks as a child? Maybe you liked stacking them up and then letting them tumble down. Or maybe you enjoyed creating the most elaborate structures you could dream of. People with this affinity for playing blocks often find that they like working as contractors and construction workers. After all, these jobs are sort of like playing blocks for grownups! You get to build things, albeit these things are much more complex than block towers. Sometimes, you also get to knock things down. If you like this analogy as much as we do, then we invite you to read more about construction and contractors on this website.



Loose-fill insulation is an excellent choice if your attic needs better insulation so you can lower your power bills. Loose-fill insulation is fiberglass, cellulose, or rockwool pieces of insulation that are usually installed by blowing the pieces into your attic.

Since the insulation comes compressed in bags, blowing them with a machine makes the insulation light and fluffy again so it spreads easily and has air pockets that improve insulation quality. Here are some more things to know about loose-fill insulation installation.

You May Want Professional Installation

If you don't have experience installing insulation, consider if it's worth it to risk DIY work. It's important that the insulation is installed properly so your attic is insulated well. That means the insulation has to be in the right places, at the right depth, and fluffed up.

Loose-fill insulation installation can even be a hazardous process with all the fibers floating through the air. Professional installers wear protective equipment to stay safe. Installing the insulation requires at least two people, since one has to load the blower that sits in your yard, and the other handles the hose that ejects the insulation in your attic.

Loose-Fill Installation Fills Gaps Easily

One reason loose-fill provides better insulation than fiberglass blankets is that the small bits of loose-fill can fall in gaps and areas where a blanket won't fit. This reduces or eliminates air leaks in your attic that would normally flow around the edges of fiberglass batt insulation. The loose-fill insulation installation involves spraying the insulation over the entire floor so there is a deep and even coating of insulation. The deeper the loose-fill, the higher the degree of insulation.

Your Installation Contractor May Avoid Some Areas

There are some things in the attic that might need to be protected from the insulation. For instance, the insulation could cover the soffit vents and cause your attic to overheat due to blocked air circulation. To combat this, the installers need to make sure baffles are in place that hold the insulation away from the soffit vents.

In addition, the contractor may need to keep insulation away from recessed lighting and electrical equipment. This keeps lighting from getting too hot, and it makes electrical equipment easier to find if an electrician ever needs to make repairs.

Even so, loose-fill insulation is not considered a fire risk since it is treated to be fire resistant. It's also treated to resist insects, so the insulation should last a long time. It's possible the insulation will settle as the years go by, and when that happens, you may want to add some more loose-fill to the top to maintain the energy efficiency of your home.

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