3 Important Things To Know About Waterproofing A Basement

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Like Playing Blocks — for Grownups Did you enjoy playing blocks as a child? Maybe you liked stacking them up and then letting them tumble down. Or maybe you enjoyed creating the most elaborate structures you could dream of. People with this affinity for playing blocks often find that they like working as contractors and construction workers. After all, these jobs are sort of like playing blocks for grownups! You get to build things, albeit these things are much more complex than block towers. Sometimes, you also get to knock things down. If you like this analogy as much as we do, then we invite you to read more about construction and contractors on this website.



A basement is a great addition to a house for extra storage, protection from severe storms, or to be used as an additional living space. However, a basement can also come with additional responsibilities for a homeowner, such as by being prone to flooding. The wisest thing that you can do if your home has a basement is to get it waterproofed before major water damage occurs. You might be tempted to waterproof the basement on your own, but it isn't ideal because you do not have the expertise of professional waterproofing contractors. Waterproofing can involve several tasks needing to be performed, but it depends on the condition that your basement is in.

1. The Presence of Water Can Lead to Various Problems

It might seem like a small amount of water seeping into the basement isn't a big concern, but you should consider it a big problem. The reason is that although a small amount of water might not directly cause a lot of damage, it can still indirectly cause extensive damage by creating humidity in your home. The bad thing about humidity is that it is wet and creates a good environment for mold to grow. If your home remains humid for a long time, you might begin to see pests crawling around. Whether you already see water in your basement or do not see any at all, it is time to set an appointment for professional waterproofing to be done.

2. A Damaged Foundation & Walls Must Be Repaired

It is a big mistake to waterproof a basement that is damaged without repairs being done beforehand. For example, if there are cracks in the drywall or foundation, the cracks must be properly sealed. Simply painting over the cracks isn't a professional job and can lead to your basement still being prone to water damage. Professionals will use commercial products to ensure that each crack is sealed during the process of waterproofing your basement. If there are cracks in the foundation, fresh concrete can be used to seal the cracks up.

3. Several Basement Waterproofing Techniques Can Be Used

One waterproofing technique that can be used in your basement is the installation of an interior drainage system. It is also possible for an exterior drainage system to be installed around the perimeter of the foundation. Sump pump installation is another technique that is commonly performed to protect a basement against becoming flooded with water. Speak to a professional to find out how your basement should be waterproofed.

For more information on basement waterproofing, contact a company near you. 

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